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The Court Street Gallery – CV-19 MEASURES

At The Court Street Gallery, there is nothing more important to us than our customers and our team’s wellbeing. While we can’t wait to welcome you back to our workshops and gallery space, you will definitely notice that things look a little different and notice that we have made changes that provide a safe, comfortable and enjoyable environment for everyone.

We will ensure that we adhere to all guidelines set out by the Government and we will be constantly monitoring and ensuring that we go above and beyond to create a safe environment when you visit us.


We are a COVID secure venue, and can there for host workshops of more than 6 people.

Venues following COVID-19 secure guidelines will be able to continue to host more people in total - such as religious services in places of worship - but no one should visit in a group of greater than 6. When you visit one of these places, such as a pub, shop, leisure venue, restaurant or place of worship you should:

  • follow the limits on the number of other people you should meet with as a group - no more than six people unless you all live together (or are in the same support bubble)

  • avoid social interaction with anyone outside the group you are with, even if you see other people you know

  • provide your contact details to the organiser so that you can be contacted if needed by the NHS Test and Trace programme



We ask that our customers familiarise themselves with and adhere to Government guidelines when visiting.

Customers are asked to make a booking via their workshop teacher and ensure that their contact details (email and phone number) are correct.

If a customer or any of their party are feeling unwell, especially if they have a high temperature, a new persistent cough or a loss of taste or smell; or if anyone in their party think they may have been exposed to the virus in the past 14 days; customers are asked to contact their workshop teache to cancel their booking.



The number of customers able to attend a workshop has been reduced.

Customers’ details will be recorded in accordance with Government guidelines and to aid the track and trace system.



We will provide hand sanitising stations at the entrance for customers as they enter the building.

We have conducted a full risk assessment of the size and configuration of our space and have adjusted the floor plans to facilitate social distancing, in accordance with Government guidelines.

Customers from the same household will be able to sit together on the same table.

Doors to the gallery will be left open, where possible, to increase ventilation and reduce hand contact on surfaces.

Internal doors (excluding fire doors), will be left open where possible, to aid ventilation and reduce hand contact on surfaces.

We ask that customers keep their personal belongings with them at all times.



Will set the tables before the customers have arrive, they will be seated in designated areas with all the equipment they will need.

Payment will be credit or debit card only. No cash payment will be accepted.


We ask that customers bring their own drinks and refreshments, and that they take any rubbish away with them.



Our loo entrance door will be left open where possible to allow for ventilation.

Hand sanitiser will be available.

We ask our guests to adhere to social distancing guidelines when using the loo. 



Our gallery is always clean and well maintained. In advance of opening we have ensured that all areas are deep cleaned and sanitised using antiviral sanitiser.

We have introduced an enhanced cleaning programme, using an anti-viral cleaner in areas of high footfall e.g. the loo.

There will always be a plentiful supply of essential cleaning chemicals in the gallery.

Customers chairs, tables and other high contact surfaces will be sanitised after each use.



Workshop teachers and team members will be instructed to wash their hands frequently with hot water and soap at the beginning, the end, and regularly throughout their shifts for a minimum duration of 20 seconds.

Antibacterial soap and disposable tissue will be supplied at all handwash sinks.

We have instructed workshop teachers and team members on the cleaning procedures required pre, post and during their workshops.

Team members and workshop teachers will be encouraged not to touch their eyes, nose or mouth with their hands.

Team members and workshop teachers will be instructed to keep a 1 metre distance between themselves and other colleagues and customers.

Sanitiser will be located throughout the gallery and will be available for all customers and workshop teachers to use regularly.

PPE gloves and masks will be available for customers and workshop teachers who wish to wear them.  However, in accordance with Government guidelines for reopening restaurants, the wearing of PPE will not be mandatory.

Signage will be on the notice board detailing CV-19 symptoms and when to self-isolate along with details of the company CV-19 risk assessment.

Any team member or workshop teacher who develops a new persistent cough or high temperature will immediately be sent home or advised to stay at home. They will be instructed to self-isolate for 7 days if they are displaying symptoms or 14 days if they are living with someone who has symptoms.

All areas where a team member or customer who displays symptoms of CV-19 has come into contact will be 2 stage cleaned.


Workshop timetables will be kept for 21 days, in accordance with Government guidelines and to aid track and trace.

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